We are dedicated to the high quality reproduction of printed goods from a simple black, raised ink business card to a full-color, tri-fold brochure with perforations and sequential numbering. We will give you the quality and service you and your customers deserve.
Increasing your profits, shortening your delivery time, and improving your product offerings are cornerstones of our success. Our dedicated sales staff and customer service representatives will work with you to help meet your customers' needs.
From our two facilities in Arizona and Colorado, totalling over 45,000 square feet, we reproduce an array of printed materials including:
Full Color, Direct-to-Press Digital Printing at 300 lpi, Flat Printing, Thermography, Laser-Safe Thermography, Foiling/Embossing, Die-Cutting/Perforating, Numbering, Business Cards, Letterheads, Envelopes, Postcards, Brochures, Flyers, Preprinted Shells, Imprints, Announcements, Foldover Cards, Teledex Cards, Notepads, NCR, Carbonless Forms, Labels, Stickers, Rubber Stamps, Dater Stamps, Number Stamps, Embossing Stamps, Notary Stamps and more!
We also offer:
Online Order Submission Online Invoice Checking Online Package Tracking Fast Turnaround Local Pickup/Delivery
1130 W Geneva Dr
Tempe AZ 85282
Phone 480 829 8890
Fax 480 921 1231
Email csr@bctarizona.com
2001 S. Navajo St.
Denver, CO 80223
Phone 303 761 6707
Email artwork@bctcolorado.com